
Shipyard Compound

Project for the new shipyard compound at the Venice Arsenal for ACTV. Preservation of the historical buildings located in the area.
Preliminary project.


The concession area for ACTV, in which mantainance functions for the naval assets will be placed, is located at the Arsenal’s expansion area made around the 800′s. It contains green areas as well as buildings, mostly constructed during the 800′s.

Altogether, the area that borders the carenaggio basin occupies a 15.100m2 surface, from which 2.200m2 are the basin itself. From a functional point of view, the Specific Plan foresees the continuity of productive activities at the area.

The ACTV zone corresponds to that which surrounds the small basin. The basin itself will be used as the space for ships’ mantainance and work, with a crane use support. Therefore, the ACTV’s production unit is placed taking into account the importance of relating the existing surfaces and the specific working requirements.

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