
“Living in Milan II”, Giambellino st.

International architecture competition “Living in Milan II, new urban spaces for social housing”.

4th place ex aequo, published

The contest foresees the connection between Giambellino and Negrellli square with a pedestrian path of important functional and formal characteristics.
Therefore, the project is structured among two strong components:
1) the urban landscape, related to the pedestrian paths over the railroad and the Naviglio;
2) the landmark, conformed by towers that compose the surrounding landscape

The eastern strip of the zone forms a landscape made of slanted green and natural surfaces which help level the differences in height.
Two of the three residencial buildings, are eight-story towers (with variable section). Their dimension and mutual relation makes them part of the city’s landscape. In addition, the towers respond adequately to its surroundings by changing their profile towards the Naviglio Grande
The third building, with variable height between 4 and 7 floors, obtains an urban importance due to its position in relation to the pedestrian path. It adapts to its curves and envolves the square to the east.
The northern public park (13.061 m2 – 45.7 %) is articulated to the square with a wooded strip. Moreover, it helps define the western side of the square.
The sports zone, located between the towers and the southern service plate, occupies a 3.816 m2 surface, which represents 13,3% of the project’s area.
The service plate is related to the three playing fields, creating adequate spaces for the spectators of the games. Furthermore, the plate completes the whole system in its southern end.

01_ Planivolumetrico
02_ Attacco a terra
08_ Pianta piano secondo
09_ Pianta livello superiore Torre
05_ Sezione 1
06_ Sezione 2
12_ Render diurno
11_ Render notturno
13_ Render notturno
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